Challenge Program on Water and Food

An integrated approach to green and blue water management from farmer’s field to river basin scale is required to promote and upscale rural livelihood improvements developed or promoted in the project. This cannot be achieved though the introduction of innovations alone, but requires the building of appropriate capacity in land and water management at all the scales at which interventions are implemented, or management decisions taken. Too often capacity-building is seen as an add-on to research: a follow-up activity in which the main researchers are uninvolved or uninterested. As an alternative, the approach in this project is to integrate capacity building into the research activities from the planning stage onwards.
The project goal was to contribute to improved rural livelihoods of poor smallholder farmers through the development of an IWRM framework for increased productive use of green and blue water flows and risk management for drought and dry-spell mitigation at all scales in the Limpopo basin. The project concluded in August 2009 and the final report is here

Phase 2 of the Challenge Program on Water and Food in the Limpopo Basin is structured into five projects. These are:
    Project L1 - Targeting and scaling out
    Project L2 - Small scale infrastructure
    Project L3 - Farm systems and risk management
    Project L4 - Water governance
    Project L5 - Learning for innovation and adaptive management (Coordination project)

The Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) Project Number 17 (PN17), led by WaterNet, was a trans-institutional inter-disciplinary project within the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

The CPWF PN17 partners were:

  1. ARA-SUL Administracao Regional de Aguas do Sul de Moçambique
  2. International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
  3. Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Agronomica de Moçambique
  4. International Water Management Institute
  5. Mzingwane Catchment Council 
  6. Unesco-IHE
  7. Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Faculdade de Agronomia e Engenharia Florestal
  8. University of the Witwatersrand School of Civil and Environmental Engineering 
  9. University of Zimbabwe, Centre for Applied Social Sciences
  10. University of Zimbabwe, Department of Civil Engineering 
  11. University of Zimbabwe, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering
  12. University of Zimbabwe, Mineral Resources Centre
  13. WaterNet
  14. World Vision Zimbabwe
  15. Water Research Commission of South Africa 

There were 7 PhD fellows: 5 fellowships from the project proposal and 2 additional PhD candidates who were identified by project partners who had allocated project research funding to the new projects.